Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Use Of The Empirical Method In Economics Is At Best Irrelevant.

The use of empirical methods in economics is like catching the wind with a hammer!

First of all, since humans are subjective and they value any and all things, material and ideal, subjectively there is no way to represent the subjective choices and decisions by the use of a point of data. Even an exchange made in the market - the buyer exchanges money for a product - cannot be a point of data. If the two things exchanged were perfectly equal what would be the point? One person values what they get more than what they give up or else there would be no exchange. A data point has no information about the double inequality of value that occurs at the time of an exchange.

And secondly the real world is dynamic and not static. In other words, even if the fallacy of economic information contained in data points is ignored, the empirical methodology can at best be irrelevant. First the data is collected, then it has to be interpreted. By who? With what objective? All of the sudden someone is introduced into the process for the purpose of interpreting the data. This person is a so-called 'expert' but more accurately, this person is an ego-driven interpreter of the data with an objective in mind.

The data cannot even get to the next stage without the interjection of an ego-driven interpreter.

But if we ignore the bias and corruption of this practice there is still another absurdity associated with empirical economics. What about lag time? The so-called data was collected at a different time and place which no longer exists in the real world. Whatever the conclusion is derived from fallacy upon fallacy is no longer relevant!

Yet this is what the State and its central-planners inflict on people as remedies for the ills which were created by the earlier empirical economic charlatans.

The alternative and scientifically-valid methodology is subjectivism as is used by Austrian economists and economists in the classical liberalism tradition.
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Free Market Is Like Pure Water!

The empiricists have ruined even the average person's understanding of economics. The equilibrium power operating in the economy is not some hypothetical end point as the empiricists portray it. The fact is: the economy is always in disequilibrium and yet the equilibrium power is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient; always moving things towards harmony.

To those influenced by the fallacies of the empiricists the free market is some far off ideal, pie in the sky! How convenient to have bamboozled the propagandized in this way; then the State can pretend that its propaganda about the necessity of interventionism is the 'practical' way!

In reality all interventionism is a corruption of the economy.

The free market is always in existence, it is just masked in these - the Dark Ages of economics - by all of the blundering and plundering of the interventionists (and it is cumulative over time). Yet the good news is that at any instant if the intervention is stopped the economy will quickly recover.

The free market is like pure water that been polluted with all kinds of sediment and it is constantly being stirred and added to by the ego-driven interventionists. Humanity is growing sicker and sicker as it depends on this polluted economy for its life and livelihood.

But like I mentioned, the instant the stirring stops and the instant the sediment is no longer added the water improves. The sediment separates out and falls to the bottom. With a healthy injection of capital to cleanse out the remaining impurities the water returns to its natural, life-giving quality.

The next time you are conversing with someone who has been indoctrinated by the State about how the economy 'works' use this analogy to help them understand that the equilibrium forces will instantly replace any man-made and ego-driven apparatus with a pure substitute (alleviating that fear) and that the free market is ubiquitous and ready to be restored to purity for the benefit of everyone.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

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or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Friday, March 22, 2013

Comparing The Market Process To Infinity.

The infiniteness of the market process has to do with the subjective nature of human choices by billions of people and the dynamic changes that happen spontaneously as the signals in the market process are perceived and acted upon. Whether it is technically infinite or not is a moot point because it is effectively infinite relative to the limited comprehension of human minds.
How can it be studied? By pursuing an understanding of the laws of human action.
What is the meaning of all of this? There is no moral authority to intervene in the economy and all intervention, necessarily, causes the corruption of the market process.
Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Spirit Of Intellectual Property.

Humans are cabable of abstraction and in contemplation a human can discover something that was apparently invisible to others.

What is this invisible source? First of all it is infinite so we - as finite beings - cannot comprehend it, let alone claim ownership. In effect, those who have discovered something actually have a gift to share with others. To reap a reward for enriching the lives of others is part of the blessing of discovery, but to arrogantly claim that others cannot speed up the process of gifting or that the idea from the invisible source has some finite ownership (namely your own); this is an ego-driven claim and act.

Part of the problem has to do with the symptoms of the disease of materialism. All that is seen is the visible, yet undeniably, the whole possibility of discovery in the first place originated from the invisible! The spirit of the intellect is neglected because of this disease and all the fruits of the spirit of the intellect are made into objects, as if objectification can truly represent what has taken place.

Intellectual property can be reduced to some small fraction of its reality by humans small-mindedly trying to squeeze the infinite into a finite box. Then the box is carried around like a child guarding a bird's egg found in a meadow.

Or intellectual property can be understood as part of the discovery process: part of the active entrepreneurial spirit inherent in the human reality; thankful to those who discover the gifts; making sure that the gifts are made available to everyone as quickly as possible; and determined to create an environment that activates the latent entrepreneurial spirit throughout human civilization.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bad Economics And Empiricism.

Henry Hazlitt defines bad economics as that which considers only what is the immediate outcome, and only what is the direct consequence of a proposed course, and only what the effect will be on one particular group.

In mainstream economics, what is the reliance on empiricism if not a snapshot? From the snapshot all kinds of interpretations are made but take a minute to think about what a snapshot represents. You take a picture of somebody buying dog food. There is nothing there other than that image frozen in time but from that image a whole host of suppositions are made and then upon those suppositions interventions into the affairs of people are suggested. Instead of calling it a snapshot it is given the lofty title of 'data' to make it sound 'scientific.'

Empiricism builds upon the snapshot ('data') and frankly it can go in whatever direction the interpreters wish it to go. For example, if the State is the one funding the 'scientific research' then the interpreter can interpret the snapshot in a way that is favorable to the State. This free rein of 'analysis' and 'policy' is very comfortable for the propagators of this system.

What is as evident as the Sun is that empiricism is a breeding ground of empiricism. Empiricism empowers the ego-driven interpreters and it empowers the ego-driven interventionists and these are the principle agents of the State.

The good economics of Henry Hazlitt stems from classical liberalism which rests upon subjectivism as the scientific method. Logic is what is relied on not some snapshot in time and place. Consequently the outcome is the complete opposite. Fundamentally there is no intervention into the economy so there is essentially no State and the whisperings of the ego-driven interpreters are scoffed.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Understanding The Market Economy In Six Minutes!

Not only will you enjoy this simple and exquisite short film but it will make a wonderful gift for your extended family and friends and your children and parents! Consider sending it to them right away.

Reorienting our thoughts towards appreciation (and with good reason) will go a long way towards making a positive difference in your life and the lives of others!

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Market Process Is Like A Language.

The economy is a divine institution that exists because humans exist. Think of the market process as a universal language conveying to others the wishes, wants, aspirations, and resources; and the words of that language are prices. As people mirror the love and knowledge of God the market process reflects it and the civilization advances.

Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

If you know of anyone interested in ethics and economics,
or liberty and justice, please send them this link:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gas Prices At Record Lows In Real Money Terms!

One of the main topics spoken about by Peter Schiff in this video is the collapse of the value of the dollar due to the counterfeiting by the Federal Reserve.

In terms of real money, in terms of weight of silver, a gallon of gas costs less now than its previous low that occurred during the Great Depression. The amount of silver in the silver quarter that was used back then would buy several gallons of gas. That same amount of silver would buy even more gas today!

In other words, if you could go to the gas station and use real money (coins made of silver, denominated based on their weight) instead of the funny money created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve it would cost you somewhere between a dime and a quarter for a gallon of gas!

Do not curse the oil companies or the oil producers in the Middle East or elsewhere. The blame rest squarely on the counterfeiting operation of the unConstitutional coup in the U.S. End the Federal Reserve. Insist that your elected representatives obey the Constitution - in other words - only gold and silver are money!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Thursday, April 28, 2011

High School And College Econ Students: Hayek Or Keynes?

If your teacher is obsolete please politely share this video with him or her.

And then "tear the house down!!!" Investigate for yourself Austrian economics and expose the economic fallacies of the economics taught by the government-funded 'educational' institutions!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are These Painful Economic Times Pregnant With Hope?

Two interesting points: contact with the real world outside of academia was an essential ingredient in his discovery; and, the dire economic conditions triggered interest in his discovery.

Conclusion: The educational outreach of the Mises Institute and the widening exposure of searching minds to Austrian economics during these truly cataclysmic economic times bodes well for the advancement of economic science!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Friday, March 11, 2011

Surely There Is A Better Representation Than Homo Economicus.

It is doubtful that homo economicus will ever be able to move out of its sterile wertfrei world into the world of the inseparability of economics and ethics. Such a construct cannot be inserted into a completely different realm without the appearance of incongruencies. Far better it is to start within the realm of the inseparability of economics and ethics - with the essence of the human entity - followed by the exploration of purposeful human action.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Greenspan Resembles A Chameleon!

It is not the physical resemblance that I am referring to, it is his nature of changing to fit the surroundings.

When Greenspan was the Chairman of the Federal Reserve he was the quintessential counterfeiter. During those years he constantly caressed the fiat money and then he used his forked tongue to camouflage what he was doing and all of the destructive consequences (short-run and long-run) of his fiat fetish.

Now Greenspan, the chameleon, is in a different setting and his appearance has changed. Now he talks about the importance of a gold standard and the economically illogical fiat money system!

Deeds not words!

Unquestionably Alan Greenspan is untrustworthy and he should be put on trial for his crimes.

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Monday, November 29, 2010

Will Gold Slay The Keynesian Goliath?

It appears that many thoughtful persons see no need for and no sustainability in the current system - political and economic - that exists in these, the Dark Ages of economics. The corrupt and decaying system only shackles humankind, serves no useful purpose, is immoral and obsolete at best, and cannot much longer hold back the irrepressible tendency of an ever-advancing civilization. There is not an ounce of justice in this man-made and ego-driven system and so it is fit only for the dustbin.

There are some enduring elements that span across the Ages and the principal economic one is gold as the basis for the order brought about by a trustworthy medium of exchange.

What is the transition going to be like? Cataclysmic. Goliath didn't slowly sit down and ponder. We're talking about face first to the earth with full force!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

{I am currently taking a partial hiatus from blogging so frequently since I am preparing to write the fourth and final book in the divine economy theory series, due to be published around May 2011.}

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Will Chile Extend Its Celebrations In The Direction Of A Better Society?

The test will come now. Will the Chileans celebrate the decisions of their President to find solutions without government intervention? Will that translate into a trend towards a classical liberalism society? Will the education process continue and will it be freed from the lies of socialism and Keynesianism?

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Gorging On Keynesian Stimulus Causes Depression!

The big fat gray line is not big enough or fat enough! Gorging during the Keynesian "free the politicians from all economic reality" period lead to a big, fat gray (shaded) line but the data center at the Federal Reserve does not want to be politically incorrect and call the economy grossly overweight! They talk about the dainty double dip recession instead of the gargantuan depression blob.

Now we have Bernanke putting on his pilot glasses and buckling himself into his helicopter. To get a tiny blip in GDP the helicopter is going to need to be packed so densely that the poor dopey Bernanke will not be able to get it off the ground!

For more information go to my website.

Go here to read about Mastery of ETHICAL ECONOMICS.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ups And Downs Caused By Economic Quackery.

Wall Street Journal reports the 'gravity' of the situation. Being a major cog in the economic machinery of the Keynesian quacks, the housing plummet is sure to alarm them about the gravity of the situation. Will it go thunk or ricochet ping-ping-ping down deeper and deeper into a crevasse?

Meanwhile bacon sizzles and pops. Is the volatility good news?

It sounds like the ego-driven interventionists have put us between a rock and a frying pan.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How Similar And Dissimilar Are the U.S. And Japan Economies?

Brace yourself for the difference between deflation and hyperinflation!

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Half-Truth Journalism In Barron's Masks The Economic Distinctions.

Is it propaganda when half truths are used deliberately? Is it propaganda when half truths are used out of ignorance? Is it propaganda when those who are supposed to be an authority (because it is assumed that they have done thorough investigative research) report ignorantly?

Yes, Yes, and Yes.

Austerity is a misrepresentation of Austrian economics. In a world without the consequences of the corruptions of the ego-driven interventionists there is great prosperity and generosity and liberalism flowing continuously in an "Austrian' free market society. The austerity needed as part of the correction of the disasterous policies of Keynesian quackery has to be attributed to the Keynesian quackery itself.

It is not austerity vs drunkedness. It is economic law versus quackery.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Economics Is Like A Sharp Scalpel.

Once people understand economics the diseased parts of the 'organism' of human civilization on this planet will be removed. Unburdened and with renewed vigor humanity will be able to embark on its journey, characterized as an ever-advancing civilization.

The problem that currently exists is that the blunt instrument that is being wielded by the economic quacks is infected with horrible diseases and the patient is being barraged from every direction. Ego-driven interventionists are trying to extract wealth from their obsolete platform of nationalism which just spreads the diseases.

This all will come to an end and the healing will begin when the sharp scalpel of economic truth is found.

A secondary problem also exists. The ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists have doped the patient with half-truths and propaganda designed to numb the faculties of the patient. This interferes with the alertness of the patient.

Unfortunately what will raise to a critical height the necessary alertness is the severity of the diseased condition. Two things are becoming obvious. One, the quacks are incompetent and they blatantly lie, and they corruptly scheme to channel wealth towards themselves and their cohorts. Two, death of all that is considered as making life desirable is not far off unless something is done immediately.

Shaking off the anesthesia of indoctrination and propaganda administered by the ego-driven interventionists the patient will seek the truth after igniting within the spark of entrepreneurial spirit that is inherent in humankind. As soon as the patient encounters the philosophy of classical liberalism with its prescription of peace and prosperity and liberty and justice the discovery of the sharp scalpel of true economics is only an arm's reach away.

With loving care it is time to cut out the diseases of socialism, fascism, Keynesianism, economic empiricism, and all of the other pestilences originating from the economic ignorance characteristic of these Dark Ages of economics.

Cured, humanity will enter into an Age of economic enlightenment.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Gap Between Empiricism And Subjectivism Is Bridged!

What I love about this diagram and this procedure is the evolution of modeling using the subjectivist methodology. I would classify it as groundbreaking!

Connecting to empirical models and therefore connecting to the positivist economic literature, this scholarly work by Roger Garrison bridged a gap that seemed insurmountable.

Now the transition to subjectivism is readily accessible for any ardent student of economic theory. If not indoctrinated and if possessing a truly scientifically inquisitive mind, every student of economics (even those who are required to tread the path of empiricism) can now find their way to praxeology.

For more information go to my website.

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Go here to read about MACRO & MICRO Economics Renewed.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gold Is Like The Water Of Life!

Gold is the drink of water brought to a desolate and disease-ridden city! Ron Paul and Peter Schiff and the Mises Institute are busy repairing the aquaduct to bring fresh drinking water to the disease-infested inhabitants of that abominable city (now called the Obamanable city).

Socialism and fascism have plagued the city for generations and the corrupt power elite that operate like the ancient tyrannical governors of the Ottoman and Persian empires have usurped their power from a Congress filled, like snakes in a den, with ego-driven interventionists.

These tyrants like to have the people in the city weak and overcome with thirst. That way they can be more easily perverted and oppressed and their weakness makes the tyrants feel strong.

The aquaduct is close to completion. Some of the fresh water is being carried in by foot (Campaign For Liberty) reaching the inhabitants and now there is the growing sense is that these tyrants have been stealing their wealth and deliberately denying the water of life to everyone. The stirrings of a rebellion is beginning.

Soon the water will reach the city and the masses will have a choice to make: live in the health and wealth of a gold standard or allow the tyrants to rob generation after generation of their prosperity and "hope!" (Irony there!)

As the water enters the city the cry of joy goes out! This is followed quickly by the cry: "END THE FED!"

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Patents Are Like Gags!

The market process is the equivalent of language. In that sense patents function like a banning on translations. Whole segments of the world's population will be unaware of the fullness of human potential and maybe the segment that would complete the picture remains out of touch.

Division of labor leads to specialized contributions and that is natural. Mutual benefits of trade leads to the disappearance of barriers and this too is natural.

Patents are unnatural and are a form of inteventionism.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bailout Is A Classic 'Broken Window Fallacy'

Sharing The Pain Plan of the Bailout
Ordinary Taxpayers 100%, Banks 0%, Congress 0%, State Legislatures 0%, Bernanke 0%, Fed Governors 0%, Fannie Mae Bondholders 0%, Freddie Mac Bondholders 0%, FDIC executives 0%, SEC 0%

Pain? What about pane, like window pane?

The imperialism of the unConstitutional coup breaks the window pane and then the economically illterate Congress (made up of ego-driven politicians) take the advice of their ego-driven interventionist advisors to fix the window pane. They say "Look, it's good that the window pane was broken because now we can put to work the glazier. Then just think of the glazier spending that money and then the multiplier effect in the economy!"

The bailouts are 'the broken window fallacy' writ LARGE!

Read "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt for a clear refutation of the economic quackery of the bailouts.

The one who threw the rock through the window was a thug! The one (unConstitutional coup) who is destroying the economy is a thug, or more precisely, the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup are economic terrorists!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Educational 'Dinosaurs' Are Destined To Go Extinct!

If we assume we are living in the dark ages of economics and then if we step back to take a look at the condition of education we will be shell-shocked. It is a dinosaur destined to become extinct!

But those species of dinosaur that exhibit adaptibility will continue to evolve. Those educational dinosaurs that convert their scales into feathers and their forearms into wings will also learn to fly if they are to be of use in the future.

There is no doubt that certain types of 'education' are already completely obsolete. For example, the social sciences are filled with empiricists embedded in institutionalized educational systems promulgating erroneous methodologies and squashing alternative thought. These 'dinosaurs' are especially susceptible to the changing climate of education that is manifest as the free flow of informative counterpoints on the internet. These 'dinosaurs' may quickly go extinct when the meteor of classical liberalism flashes by, grabbing everyone's attention and then exploding onto the scene with subjectivism.

Then (and now is then!) the dark ages of economics will end!!!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Debt 'Data' Understates The Real Problem.

Looking at the change in the level of debt is like looking at the mangled front tire in a devastating head-on collision where lives have been destroyed. Just like the damaged wheel and the tire, indeed the overwhelming debt is out of place and consequential. But what about all the other conditions and circumstances and the lives and limbs affected?

The debt was used for something! It financed war. It financed the expansion of the power to control (which was and is greedily sought by the unConstitutional coup).

For example, the debt helped to finance the corruption that has lead to the loss of the free press. Does that show up in the 'data' of the empiricists? These same empiricists who use erroneous data to spur on the ego-driven interventionists are the ones grudgingly reporting the debt (as a point of data).

The debt 'figure' is an understatement of the magnitude of the problem. Go back to the head-on collision and tell me, by comparison, how important is the condition of the wheel and tire? Now look at the debt 'figure' and realize all the hidden devastation that the empiricists are concealing in their 'data.'

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Human Action" Study Guide Is An Economic Science Gift!

The door is open wider than ever before. Enter in and feel the hospitality of purposeful human action!

Whereas before it seemed like you were house-sitting in a mansion without the familiar comforts of your own home; now you are welcomed in, brought a delicious beverage, treated to an ambience of soft but stimulating music, and given a guided tour of all the rooms in the mansion. Your host shares with you the art of story-telling, bringing to life all the vibrancy of the mansion. Each of the fireplaces are supplied with plenty of wood and you are brought slippers specifically made to fit your feet!

The windows are sparkling clean and the curtains are open so you can look out at the real world in comtemplation! This is where the wonder of this masterful work of Ludwig von Mises metamorphisizes into the ark of classical liberalism upon the sea of human history as you become one of the oarsman on the journey to a civilization that rests upon justice and unity and liberty and prosperity.

The Mises Institute is that remarkable host and the new study guide is the kind and generous hospitality bestowed upon you.

For more information go to

To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The GDP Statistic Comes Out At The End Of The Model!

The very first realization that needs to be made clear and evident to anyone who is listening to economic news is that GDP is the excrement of the model which has been fed data!

Like most excrement it stinks!

The model is a Keynesian construct with so many unrealistic assumptions that it would not even qualify as science fiction; it would more rightfully be classified as a demented and dissociated fantasy.

Empirical economic models are erroneous from the outset. It is like the trajectory of a bullet. Even a small deviation at the starting point causes a tremendously great error at the end. But the error of empirical economics is absurdly great at the beginning because it is the incorrect methodology for the social sciences.

That is why Greenspan simply resorted to his own arbitrary interpretation of the 'smell' of the economy to decide what to do. Bernanke is more hard core and he will stick to his empirical models.

All of these empirical economists are fools who have forgotten that they are playing with models and it is their indoctrination (claimed to be 'education and experience') that has given them models not worth the excrement that comes out of its end.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Snowball In Hell Economic Proposal!

What does it look like when a high speed snowball meets a sun-baked brick wall?

The snowball looks cool! The high speed makes it sound good as it whizzes by and it looks impressive, moving fast and all!

But reality can be cruel to those who live in a fantasy world!

Not only will it smack and come to an abrupt and dramatic stop but the pieces will evaporate instantly!

Such is the fate of the fanciful lies of the ill-informed ego-driven interventionists in this remarkable period in history.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Are The Economic Advisors Like High Priests?

To emerge from the dark ages of economic science the high priests of superstitious economic orthodoxy have to lose their influence over a suffering and economic-disease-ridden populace of latent human beings.

Ideology is mostly slow to change.

But change it must - because the era we are in and the era we are ushering in has no use for these serpents of economic mockery.

Are we too impatient with the slowness of ideological change? Of course, but we are also entrepreneurial enough to know that we are at a very important threshold.

Now is the time to expose the devious magic of these evil economic wizards as mere smoke and mirrors! Now is the time for the pure science of economics (that is anchored upon the subjectivist methodology) to illuminate the minds and hearts of the people of the world, transforming latency into discovery and expression.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Copernicus And Austrian Economics!

What a revolution it was to suggest in the first decade of the 1500’s that the sun, and not the earth, was at the center of our ‘universe.’ Using the scientific methods of astronomy Copernicus exposed as fallacious the ideas then considered to be true. It is easy to see that these superstitions were impediments to advancements in human progress, since minds were prejudiced against examining existing systems of belief. These kinds of biases against the search for truth explain very well the characteristics of that dark age through which humanity had to struggle.

And now we are in the dark ages of economics! The current fallacies and ‘superstitions’ of empirical economics are a severe burden on an unsuspecting humanity. The fallacious economic doctrines have been promulgated worldwide causing a universal ignorance to weigh heavily on all of the various societies in what can only be described as a backward and ignorant world civilization.

Austrian economics shines brightly in this darkness. Using the scientific methodology of subjectivism the irrelevance and absurdity of empiricism is exposed. These economic superstitions propagated by the Keynesians, the historicists, the socialists, and the empiricists of all genre, are in danger of being discarded and so the high priests of these fallacious doctrines do whatever they can to censor the discoveries of true science. They are foolish to think that they can conceal reality. What oppressive measures can ultimately succeed in preventing the people worldwide from discovering that the earth revolves around the sun or that human beings are subjective by nature? The answer is none, there are no measures that can keep humans (truth-seekers) from what is their destiny.

Prosperity is our destiny and that will come about when we leave the ignorance of the dark ages of economics behind in the dustbin of archaic superstitions.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Congressional Piracy Spearheaded By Captain Paulson!

Here is the economic analogy for today:

The economy is like a ship desirous of trustworthy commerce but the water is full of pirates. What are we going to do to stop the Congressional pirates from continuously raiding our ships?

Exposing the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup to the scrutiny of all the millions of people around the world who have been victimized by their economic terrorism would be the equivalent of blasting the pirate ship out of the sea.

If we don't protect ourselves from the pirates they will continue their plunder and even become more despicable.

We know that Paulson is one of the chief pirates in that clandestine covey of pirates. Make him walk the plank! Make him squeal on the other scoundrels.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Monday, November 17, 2008

States Rights Protect Against The Counterfeiter.

What would be the reaction of a counterfeiter if all of the sudden he/she had to act with accountability?

Of course the immediate reaction would be suspicion! "Who wants to know, and why? Are they on to me?"

It is obviously time to ask for favors from the others in the crime network. 'We need to protect our operation.'

On our side, we need the States to demand their Constitutional rights so they can go toe to toe with this extortion ring.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bailout Frenzy!

It is very much like the feeding frenzy of sharks when they sense there is blood in the water. It will not stop until there is nothing left.

That is where lies the difference. Since the U.S. is already bankrupt there already is nothing left. The feeding frenzy is not triggered by assets that belong to the U.S. government but rather by the blood, sweat, and tears of the net taxpayers of this generation and future generations.

Notice that I mentioned net taxpayers. In other words the parasitic class that directly or indirectly receives their income from the government do not pay into the system on net. They are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

The feeding frenzy will not stop until 'there is nothing left,' that means until there is nothing left of your savings or of your income derived from honest and productive work.

Who are these sharks? They are those who are politically connected in a fascist State, which is operating on the corrupt principles of corporatism.

Who is causing the feeding frenzy by stealing our blood, sweat, and tears and pouring it into the shark infested waters? The ego-driven interventionists (politicians) who keep making financially irresponsible promises (lies), all the while with their eyes focused on various industries to try to extort money from, to finance their campaigns.

How can they get away with it? The hidden tax of inflation enriches the politically connected while it steals the purchasing power of the currency from every net taxpayer. There is even the sinister lag time which postpones the consequences, fooling most people.

Who is doing this to us? In the United States it is the unConstitutional coup in charge of the counterfeiting operation (under the auspices of the central bank, the Federal Reserve).

To stop the feeding frenzy we have to expose the membership of the unConstitutional coup so that ‘we the people’ know exactly who it is that is stealing every bit of our wealth. Paulson (the big promoter of the bailouts, surprise, surprise!) is one of the members of the UnConstitutional coup. Bring him and the rest of his cohorts to justice!

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

UnConstitutional Coup Is Like Kudzu!

The Federal government launched a massive promotional campaign for Kudzu leading to 1.2 million hectares of kudzu planted by 1946 with farmers being paid $20 per hectare to plant it!

Now to the analogy! The first ‘kudzu plant of the unConstitutional coup’ was planted by Alexander Hamilton, the archenemy of Thomas Jefferson who betrayed the American Revolution. That seed germinated and produced more seeds that germinated as the Whig party of Henry Clay.

The next crop of seeds of the kudzu of the unConstitutional coup germinated in the 1860’s with the National Currency Acts and with the direct attack on States rights.

The next crop germinated in 1913 with the institutionalization of the unconstitutional federal reserve system and the federal income tax. At this point it was climbing over everything and beginning to choke out all the ‘native plants’ of productivity and entrepreneurial spirit and property rights.

Keynesianism was the next crop of kudzu that spread the scourge of the unConstitutional coup. Year after year this invasive and suffocating unConstitutional coup became more pervasive.

Now the unConstitutional coup kudzu is so monstrous that it covers everything and liberty and justice are barely able to be sustained in what used to be a prosperous and free nation.

It will take hard work to eradicate this noxious weed. Property rights are essential because no one is going to go out and try to eradicate the kudzu nor be able to sustain that effort unless there is private property. Once there is private property that will be enough protection and incentive to uproot the kudzu and suppress its germination thereby restoring the prosperity of the Constitutional Republic.

States rights with the right of secession, and property rights recognized as human rights in the justice system are some of the first steps towards the eradication of the kudzu of the UnConstitutional coup.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coordinated Central Banks Come To The Surface For Air!

Today (10/8/08) the secretive agreements among the central banks that serve as the basis of world monetary hegemony came to the surface (for air!). Two things are apparent: 1). The unConstitutional coup in the U.S. is fearful of drowning in its own cesspool, 2). The U.S. dominated world bank already exists and is the monster behind all the wars designed to weaken any and all rival monetary systems.

After sucking in some air (in the form of the propaganda that a coordinated system of central banks is good for the world) the beast went back under the water of secrecy. Oh how sweet the vulnerablitity of the mammal in need of air, with all of its sucking and unweaned offspring!

The next time it surfaces the waves of the cries for liberty will gag the oxygen deprived behemoth. As its members flail (We know who one of the members of the unConstitutional coup is - Paulson) the waves of liberty become as one large purging wave which casts the scum of the earth (the ego-driven interventionists) on the shore to rot while the ocean currents regain their equilibrium.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Stay Afloat Financially.

Here is another reason why the bailout is completely foolish:
It will be the trigger for the economic whirlpool that will drag the dollar to the bottom of the sea taking with it all dollar-based assets.

Yes, that means every dollar-based asset owned, directly or indirectly!

Only those who have navigated their ship (net worth) into real assets will be in waters far enough away from the whirlpool to stay afloat. The waters will be rough, no doubt, but navigatable.

When will the whirlpool vortex form? Watch for the signs!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Is The UnConstitutional Coup a Criminal Ring?

PIMCO fund manager Bill Gross warned a week ago in Bloomberg, U.S. Must Buy Assets to Prevent `Tsunami'
“The U.S. government needs to start using more of its money to support markets to stem a burgeoning ``financial tsunami,'' according to Bill Gross, manager of the world's biggest bond fund.”

I am trying to imagine the hierarchy in a counterfeiting ring.

Who in the criminal gang of the counterfeit operation do the high rollers, the fund managers, resemble?

Here is a fabricated analogy:
Billy the Gross works as a 'manager' for PIMCO ( an abbreviation of pimp and company). He is using his 'influence' to subtly threaten the inner circle of counterfeiters by saying that he needs bribe money to keep the system going.

The moral of the story is this: the unConstitutional coup is like the mafia!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ego-Driven Interventionists Without Clothes!

Since defective government will not surrender its power even though it stands in the way of the advancement of civilization something has to happen. The tide cannot be held back!

Bureaucracy is one of the chronic afflictions of interventionism and this condition renders the bloated partisan political system inept. Alertness of all kinds by people who get a taste of truth-seeking sloughs off the hollow shell and replaces it with the rekindled essence of classical liberalism.

Internal and external forces converge destroying the fallacies that the power elite have parroted via the controlled media outlets and the propagandized education system to a populace held in captivity by ignorance.

'Emperor without clothes' is a good analogy of the growing awareness that leads to the dethroning of the empiricists, and the ego-driven interventionists, and their overlords - the power elite.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Economic Blowback!

Why do the warmongers and the interventionists have to learn the hard way? Actually they are not even learning from their mistakes yet; because they control the minds of the people.

We are all looking forward to the time (coming soon!) when the people will shake off the shackles of false media reporting and propagandistic education, which will also be the time when the negative consequences (blowback) from warmongering and economic intervention will be exactly pinpointed on their foreheads and irrefutably used as evidence of their crimes.

Blowback is now a word in the lexicon that describes how the imperialistic occupation of Muslim countries by the U.S.-based warmongers causes extremists to want to do harm to America and Americans.

The economic analogy is the blowback manifesting itself as a financial collapse and the bankruptcy of the dollar-based economy in the U.S. The ego-driven interventionists have created a system of exploitation that resembles a house of cards. Beware lest the tickle of the fallacious schemes of the ego-driven interventionists causes the economy to sneeze (blowback)!

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Too Big To Fail - The Modern Day Goliath.

We all know the story of David and Goliath. In the story David symbolizes good and Goliath symbolizes bad. The moral of the story is that good triumphs over bad no matter how seemingly overwhelming the odds.

We hear that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are too big to fail and one reason is because their creator and enabler - the ego-driven interventionists of the unConstitutional coup - will bail them out. But what will they bail them out with? Counterfeit dollars printed out of thin air! Counterfeiting is unethical and clearly proves that this is the bad part of the equation.

David picks up the stone and loads his slingshot. The stone is classical liberalism which is built upon the recognition of the subjective nature of human beings. The slingshot is the divine economy theory which scientifically proves that there is absolutely no moral authority for economic intervention. Once, twice, three times the slingshot revolves and then it releases with all of the momentum of the revolution!

Smack and thud!

Truth and justice will triumph over the warmongers.

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Who Benefits From The Recession?

Follow the money!

How convenient it must be for the ones who benefit from the recession to be the same ones who cause the recession!

The analogy is the world of parasites and saprophytes. The parasites compensate for their lack of productivity by depleting the resources of its host even to the point of weakening the host and even killing the host. How convenient is this for the saprophytes since they find sustenance in extracting the remaining resources from the dead.

Comparatively, the unproductive (lying and scheming) ego-driven interventionists act as parasites in the political and economic realm. One of the evidences of their malevolent effects is an economic recession. In the most advanced stage of parasitism the economy goes into a depression which is like the onset of death. Into full force move the saprophytic politicians and their nepotistic alliances to arrange for the transfer of wealth into the hands of the ego-driven interventionists.

You see, the ego-driven interventionists cause the recession and they benefit from the recession.

It is our responsibility to reject the parasitic and saprophytic politicians who violate our human rights and property rights by their intervention into the economy. It is our responsibility to expose the parasites and the saprophytes to the bright sunlight of classical liberalism and the principles of Constitutional government and then watch them shrivel and fade away!

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Recession or Depression: Two Analogies.

Part One: Economic Whirlpool Caused by the Political Cesspool!

Every day the news about the economy is shocking for one reason or another. It is enough to make one’s head spin.

Combined with the mixed signals of the data reported by the empiricists are the explanations of the spokespersons of economic statistics. Their interpretations are mostly sterile, functioning much like propaganda most of the time. Anyone who thinks that this information/misinformation will be useful in decision-making is either pretty naive or is part of the scheme of the political class which is trying to enrich itself at the expense of the rest of us. Regardless, the point is, the empirical data and the statistics and the analysis are all erroneous.

When does a recession become a depression? I will explain that in this article.

At some point the practice of pumping money into the credit system and the banking system causes a fracturing of the capital structure. All the malinvestment caused by the distortion of the interest rate begins to become evident as the scrambling for resources exceeds what was thought to be available. This is a significant part of the beginning of the recession. Also the over-consumption stimulated by the artificially low interest rates hits consumers in the face as an overburdening debt. Consequently, restrained consumer spending and business streamlining causes unemployment.

Monetary policy by the politicians (and their minions) leads to inflationary policies in an attempt to stimulate the economy, but what results is stagflation - high unemployment and high rates of inflation. This is the worst case scenario for what can be described as a recession. But it is not the end of the line!

The ‘perfect storm’ scenario is called a depression. In short a depression is when there are all of these same extreme recession conditions combined with a deflationary spiral. Money, despite massive pumping into the system, disappears!

I describe the depression as a whirlpool where the currents created by the interventionists become so powerful and misaligned that they generate a whirlpool where everything is sucked into the depression. Any actions taken by the interventionists simply add to the currents and intensify the whirlpool. The debasement of the currency manifests itself as hyperinflation and yet there is no credit available since there is no real savings. Recovery is nil or strongly suppressed because alert entrepreneurship cannot decipher the mixed up signals. The depression will persist as long as the interventionists continue to feed the spiraling whirlpool with fallacious economic policies.

Are we currently in a depression or are we about to enter a depression? The forces unleashed by the interventionists are very erratic. It could be that one of the next actions taken by the interventionists will trigger the depression whirlpool. Who knows?

What we do know is that a depression is an exponential recession that cannot be stopped if what causes the currents is continually fed by the interventionists. Imagine the unstoppable pull of a whirlpool. What we do know is that the cesspool of interventionists (composed of politicians and their bootlicking economic advisers) are responsible for all economic disruptions, whether the disruption is minor or whether it is a major catastrophe like a depression.

What is the solution? The correct policy is non-intervention which is like getting oneself out of the water before the currents build so much momentum. Then the equilibrium forces that allow resources to become freed up will disrupt the vortex throughout its structure, dissipating the energy, lessening the swirl velocity, causing it to break into smaller eddies, and making the economy safe for entrepreneurs to re-enter, to diagnose, and to set their sails and forge a new direction.

That new direction that is necessary for prosperity and liberty is non-interventionism! In America a restored Constitutional Republic is what can prevent the economic destruction that is brought about by the ego-driven interventionists (who happen to be the major active component of the political cesspool).

Part Two: Is Examination of ‘Economic Depression’ Fruitful

I recently wrote the above piece that described an economic depression as something similar to a whirlpool. After I finished the article I realized that I could apply a similar analogy to an economic recession. In contrast to a whirlpool, the economy during a recession could be seen as a ship experiencing rough seas. If the economy reaches the climax of a recession, known as stagflation, then the seas are very rough and the ship (the economy) is in danger of capsizing.

Here is what is significant about these analogies: If the economy does not capsize during the recession there is hope that eventually the rough sea will subside. But if intervention continues it will cause another storm to form on the horizon. However if the economy is on the verge of a depression one false move will generate the whirlpool which will sink the economy into unknown depths with very little hope to resist.

If intervention continues once the whirlpool is activated the currents will just intensify. The only hope is for the intervention to stop.

What is the solution? The correct policy is non-intervention. Then the equilibrium forces that allow resources to become freed up will disrupt the vortex throughout its structure, dissipating the energy, lessening the swirl velocity, causing it to break into smaller eddies, and making the economy safe for entrepreneurs to re-enter, to diagnose, and to set their sails and forge a new direction.

What bit of economic wisdom have we gleaned?

A). Intervention causes the economic storms and it can also create a pernicious whirlpool. To avoid economic storms intervention should stop.
B). With regards an economic depression, the only way to stop its destructive forces is to stop intervention.
C). The political cesspool (politicians and their bootlicking economic advisors) has to be drained and rid of its stagnant and disease-infested economic fallacies.
By Bruce Koerber

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