Friday, November 21, 2008

Copernicus And Austrian Economics!

What a revolution it was to suggest in the first decade of the 1500’s that the sun, and not the earth, was at the center of our ‘universe.’ Using the scientific methods of astronomy Copernicus exposed as fallacious the ideas then considered to be true. It is easy to see that these superstitions were impediments to advancements in human progress, since minds were prejudiced against examining existing systems of belief. These kinds of biases against the search for truth explain very well the characteristics of that dark age through which humanity had to struggle.

And now we are in the dark ages of economics! The current fallacies and ‘superstitions’ of empirical economics are a severe burden on an unsuspecting humanity. The fallacious economic doctrines have been promulgated worldwide causing a universal ignorance to weigh heavily on all of the various societies in what can only be described as a backward and ignorant world civilization.

Austrian economics shines brightly in this darkness. Using the scientific methodology of subjectivism the irrelevance and absurdity of empiricism is exposed. These economic superstitions propagated by the Keynesians, the historicists, the socialists, and the empiricists of all genre, are in danger of being discarded and so the high priests of these fallacious doctrines do whatever they can to censor the discoveries of true science. They are foolish to think that they can conceal reality. What oppressive measures can ultimately succeed in preventing the people worldwide from discovering that the earth revolves around the sun or that human beings are subjective by nature? The answer is none, there are no measures that can keep humans (truth-seekers) from what is their destiny.

Prosperity is our destiny and that will come about when we leave the ignorance of the dark ages of economics behind in the dustbin of archaic superstitions.

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