Friday, July 11, 2008

Too Big To Fail - The Modern Day Goliath.

We all know the story of David and Goliath. In the story David symbolizes good and Goliath symbolizes bad. The moral of the story is that good triumphs over bad no matter how seemingly overwhelming the odds.

We hear that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are too big to fail and one reason is because their creator and enabler - the ego-driven interventionists of the unConstitutional coup - will bail them out. But what will they bail them out with? Counterfeit dollars printed out of thin air! Counterfeiting is unethical and clearly proves that this is the bad part of the equation.

David picks up the stone and loads his slingshot. The stone is classical liberalism which is built upon the recognition of the subjective nature of human beings. The slingshot is the divine economy theory which scientifically proves that there is absolutely no moral authority for economic intervention. Once, twice, three times the slingshot revolves and then it releases with all of the momentum of the revolution!

Smack and thud!

Truth and justice will triumph over the warmongers.

For more information go to .

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