Once people understand economics the diseased parts of the 'organism' of human civilization on this planet will be removed. Unburdened and with renewed vigor humanity will be able to embark on its journey, characterized as an ever-advancing civilization.
The problem that currently exists is that the blunt instrument that is being wielded by the economic quacks is infected with horrible diseases and the patient is being barraged from every direction. Ego-driven interventionists are trying to extract wealth from their obsolete platform of nationalism which just spreads the diseases.
This all will come to an end and the healing will begin when the sharp scalpel of economic truth is found.
A secondary problem also exists. The ego-driven interpreters and the ego-driven interventionists have doped the patient with half-truths and propaganda designed to numb the faculties of the patient. This interferes with the alertness of the patient.
Unfortunately what will raise to a critical height the necessary alertness is the severity of the diseased condition. Two things are becoming obvious. One, the quacks are incompetent and they blatantly lie, and they corruptly scheme to channel wealth towards themselves and their cohorts. Two, death of all that is considered as making life desirable is not far off unless something is done immediately.
Shaking off the anesthesia of indoctrination and propaganda administered by the ego-driven interventionists the patient will seek the truth after igniting within the spark of entrepreneurial spirit that is inherent in humankind. As soon as the patient encounters the philosophy of classical liberalism with its prescription of peace and prosperity and liberty and justice the discovery of the sharp scalpel of true economics is only an arm's reach away.
With loving care it is time to cut out the diseases of socialism, fascism, Keynesianism, economic empiricism, and all of the other pestilences originating from the economic ignorance characteristic of these Dark Ages of economics.
Cured, humanity will enter into an Age of economic enlightenment.
For more information go to my website.
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