Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gold Is Like The Water Of Life!

Gold is the drink of water brought to a desolate and disease-ridden city! Ron Paul and Peter Schiff and the Mises Institute are busy repairing the aquaduct to bring fresh drinking water to the disease-infested inhabitants of that abominable city (now called the Obamanable city).

Socialism and fascism have plagued the city for generations and the corrupt power elite that operate like the ancient tyrannical governors of the Ottoman and Persian empires have usurped their power from a Congress filled, like snakes in a den, with ego-driven interventionists.

These tyrants like to have the people in the city weak and overcome with thirst. That way they can be more easily perverted and oppressed and their weakness makes the tyrants feel strong.

The aquaduct is close to completion. Some of the fresh water is being carried in by foot (Campaign For Liberty) reaching the inhabitants and now there is the growing sense is that these tyrants have been stealing their wealth and deliberately denying the water of life to everyone. The stirrings of a rebellion is beginning.

Soon the water will reach the city and the masses will have a choice to make: live in the health and wealth of a gold standard or allow the tyrants to rob generation after generation of their prosperity and "hope!" (Irony there!)

As the water enters the city the cry of joy goes out! This is followed quickly by the cry: "END THE FED!"

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Patents Are Like Gags!

The market process is the equivalent of language. In that sense patents function like a banning on translations. Whole segments of the world's population will be unaware of the fullness of human potential and maybe the segment that would complete the picture remains out of touch.

Division of labor leads to specialized contributions and that is natural. Mutual benefits of trade leads to the disappearance of barriers and this too is natural.

Patents are unnatural and are a form of inteventionism.

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bailout Is A Classic 'Broken Window Fallacy'

Sharing The Pain Plan of the Bailout
Ordinary Taxpayers 100%, Banks 0%, Congress 0%, State Legislatures 0%, Bernanke 0%, Fed Governors 0%, Fannie Mae Bondholders 0%, Freddie Mac Bondholders 0%, FDIC executives 0%, SEC 0%

Pain? What about pane, like window pane?

The imperialism of the unConstitutional coup breaks the window pane and then the economically illterate Congress (made up of ego-driven politicians) take the advice of their ego-driven interventionist advisors to fix the window pane. They say "Look, it's good that the window pane was broken because now we can put to work the glazier. Then just think of the glazier spending that money and then the multiplier effect in the economy!"

The bailouts are 'the broken window fallacy' writ LARGE!

Read "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt for a clear refutation of the economic quackery of the bailouts.

The one who threw the rock through the window was a thug! The one (unConstitutional coup) who is destroying the economy is a thug, or more precisely, the members of the inner circle of the unConstitutional coup are economic terrorists!

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To earn a Masters Degree in Divine Economy Theory go here.